Empower your business with enhanced management skills.

Looking to bridge the gaps in your management capabilities?

Achieve more with targeted training.

We understand that running a business comes with its own set of challenges, and effective management is key to overcoming them. Without the right management skills, steering your business can feel like navigating through fog. Our Management Capability Training is designed to provide you with the clarity and skills needed to lead your business confidently.

Many business owners underestimate the value of structured management training. By investing in our training services, you gain the knowledge to make informed decisions, set strategic goals, and drive your business forward. Our training covers critical areas like business planning, financial management, ensuring you are well- equipped to handle the complexities of modern business management.

Training Objectives:

Our training programmes are designed to fill specific gaps in management knowledge, providing clear and measurable learning outcomes. We focus on transferring practical knowledge that business owners and managers can apply immediately to enhance their management capabilities.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will leave our training with a deep understanding of key management areas. You’ll be equipped with the tools to plan effectively, manage finances wisely, and raise capital efficiently, driving your business towards sustained growth.

Business Planning

Topics we can cover:

Learn how to set meaningful goals and plan for both personal and business growth.

Define your business’s vision and mission to guide your strategy.

Growth Strategies and Strategic Planning:
Develop robust strategies for sustainable growth.

SWOT Analysis:
Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Competitive Advantage/Opportunity:
Understand your competitive landscape and unique selling points.

Set and achieve realistic and measurable targets.

Action/Operational Plans:
Create actionable plans to reach your business objectives.

Financial Management

Topics we can cover:

Financial Reports and Ratios:
Understand balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and key financial ratios.

Costing and Pricing:
Learn to calculate costs, determine breakeven points, and set profitable prices.

Budgeting and Cash Flow Planning:
Prepare and manage budgets and cash flow forecasts.

Navigate different types of taxes and learn to minimise tax obligations.

Credit/Debt Management:
Manage debtors and creditors effectively to maintain liquidity.

Training Course:

Who should undertake this service?
If you don’t have a current Cash Flow Forecast in place, then we recommend this service for you.


Accounting is a whole lot more than just tax compliance.


Experiencing strategic planning obstacles or cashflow hurdles?

Fractional CFO Services

Time to launch full-scale growth?